
March 2013

Amazing and diverse Argentina, from Buenos Aires all the way to the glaciers of Southern Patagonia

No pasaran! La Casa Rosada, where Evita lived Argentina is home to many protests against the government and everything Tomb of San Martin, the libertador Avenida 9 de Julio Los PorteƱos, as Buenos Aires residents are called Two Legends: Don Quijote and Evita This was the tallest edificio in BA at the time it was built Another Las Malvinas monument. The was now is regarded to be one of the stupidest in the history BA business district And slums are not far away... Unfortunately, we were escorted away from this place by the police ( La Boca bridge, sort of BA's East End La Boca is home of tango La Boca is famous for colored buildings, painted by Genovese settlers Argentina is full of retro cars El Gaucho on duty Argentina still claims Falkland Islands, there are hundreds of these signs all around the country Lost village in the desert Dinosaurs roamed here Plaza San Martin in Mendoza Harley Davidson event The way to Chile Mendoza is very green, not a single street without trees Huge wine barrels in Maipo Lots of old vineries - bodegas March is the beginning of autumn The road down south ] Crawling on Mars Typical evening image on a road trip in Argentina La Luna is upside down Moonlight Swiss architecture in the Lake District Ancient plant, exchibited in all dinosaur museums Approaching Bariloche OMG, are these bullet holes? Zorro Gris (Gray Fox) of Patagonia